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Lea Goodsell Spotlight: An Interview with Lea Goodsell

Lea Goodsell is the principle of Goodsell Group. Goodsell Group is the culmination of her more than 25 years of experience in business development, branding, marketing, advertising and public relations. Lea lives in Palm Desert, California.

Lea, it’s so fun to work with you on a project again! Most people don’t know that my first job upon moving to California was with your former firm with Scott Kiner—Kiner/Goodsell. That was, what, 14 years ago? How times flies! I always so enjoyed working with you and have a deep respect for your creativity and business acumen. What led you to branch out on your own and form Goodsell Group?

Lea Goodsell: I worked for several years with Earl Greenburg where we created a strong business development firm.  Unfortunately we lost him to cancer in 2008 and I opted to create my own company at that point.

Which is based in Palm Desert though you have clients all over Greater Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley. Have you always lived here?

I moved to the Desert in 1994 from Austin, Texas and now also spend some time in Orange County working with one of my clients, Big League Dreams.

What is it about Palm Springs that led you to make your home and business here?

My former husband and I moved here to work with the Liberty Mutual Legends of Golf – but since I was born in California (Newport Beach) and also lived in San Diego for a few years as a child (junior high), it felt like coming home.

I understand that feeling! What do you feel is different about promoting a Palm Springs area business versus one, say, in Chicago?

In the Valley, you can do a lot of personal networking on behalf of clients, as well as easily create strategic alliances between your clients and other businesses and/or non-profits.  The media is also very welcoming of good ideas for coverage.

Yes, I’ve found that to be true as well. What upcoming Palm Springs area project or event are you most excited about?

One of my clients is the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission and it’s a really dynamic group of compassionate people who also understand the need to behave like a business when necessary.  We have lots of things on the horizon, including the Second Annual Campout to Stamp Out Homelessness in the fall.

That’s fantastic–please keep me posted! And lest people think you are all work and no play, I understand you attend Burning Man (a massive art/music/social experiment festival held every year in the Nevada desert)! You’re quite the adventuress. In addition to the playgrounds of Palm Springs and the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, what are some of your other favorite destinations?

I just got back from a Baltic Sea cruise where I was able to visit Berlin, Stockholm and St. Petersburg, Russia among others.  Those are some of my new favorites that I already want to go back to.

How fun! Those cities are certainly on my to-see list as well. And here at home? Please share with us some of your favorite restaurants, retail stores and hot spots to enjoy in Palm Springs.

With the weather so beautiful most of the time, I enjoy anywhere I can sit outside.  I love spending time on North Palm Canyon and finding unique mid-century treasures.  For hot spots, my girlfriends and I enjoy nightspots such as Hunter’s and Toucan’s when we’re in the mood to dance.

Lea Goodsell, what is it that you most love about Palm Springs?

I love that since most people are from somewhere else and moved here because they enjoy the quality of life, everyone is very friendly and welcoming.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with us, Lea! We wish you continued success in all your endeavors–and let me know next time you hit the dance floor, I’ll meet you there!

If you or your organization would like to be interviewed for a Palm Springs Spotlight, please contact

About David J Castello

David J Castello is the Editor-in-Chief and Chief Operating Officer for the Castello Cities Internet Network (,,, etc). His debut novel, The Diary of an Immortal (1945-1959) was published in 2016.

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One comment

  1. Very interesting article. Lea, did a Baltic cruise to those same cities last year and loved them too. I see you like Burning Man. We’re a nude sunbathing resort here in Palm springs and have lots of burning Man attendees stay with us.
    We’ve been in Palm Springs for 17 years. I’ve followed your business and have a lot of respect for you. Thanks for the interview. Tom