Spotlight: An Interview with Paul Fleszar

Par-Tee Golf

Paul Fleszar is the owner of Par-Tee Golf, the premier golf reservation agency in the Coachella Valley.  Par-Tee Golf is the largest purveyor of tee-times in the golf mecca of Coachella Valley, supplying courses valley-wide with invaluable commerce. Paul lives in Palm Springs with his family.

Paul, you’re kind of the “king” of golf tee-times in the Coachella Valley–you’re the largest purveyor of tee-times in Greater Palm Springs, buying half-million dollar increments and reselling them. Given that golf is usually regarded as the top attraction in the Greater Palm Springs area, that makes you a major contributor to the economy of the Coachella Valley. What got you into this business, and how long have you been doing it?

Thanks, Kate! King, I’m not so sure about–business man is better! After early retirement from General Motors, I got into the golf reservation business in San Diego and had a few connections in the Palm Springs area. I was in the process of moving to Denver to get into medical sales and on my way there stopped in Palm Springs and met with a start-up golf reservation company…and never left. Twenty years later, I am still at it!

The world-class golf of Greater Palm Springs.

Palm Springs was voted “2012’s Top North American Golf Destination” by the International Association of Golf Tour Operators (IAGTO). Where do you see the future of golf going in the Coachella Valley? Any trends that you see emerging?

Probably the nicest thing about golf here in the Desert is the number of courses and how close they all are to one another! Within 30 minutes, you have access to over 100 courses. It’s difficult to find that combination anywhere in the world! Our weather during the season is incredible. Talk about vacation spots–nothing beats Palm Springs!

As far as trends, I don’t see the big corporate outings coming back anytime soon. Now we are seeing smaller group outings of 12 – 24 players where it used to be 100+.

What are your major client demographics?  What major US markets, and what countries worldwide?

Palm Springs golf is such a major attraction, that we draw from all over the world! But if there were any one worldwide standout, it would have to be the Canadian Market–we do an extraordinary amount of business with them.

With more than 100 golf courses located throughout our destination, Greater Palm Springs is known as the golf capitol of the United States. What are some of your favorite courses?

We work with over 50 wonderful courses in the Greater Palm Springs area–way too many to list! The standard of golf here is so high, that I’m happy to say I’d recommend all of the courses with which we work.

And what type of course would you recommend for the beginning player?

I’d recommend shorter courses with a slope rating under 115.

And for the average player and above?

A golfer can play any course in the Greater Palm Springs area and get as much of a challenge as they wish! Just play from the correct tee box!

Other than golf, how do you enjoy spending your free time in Palm Springs?

Being married with a family pretty much takes up most of my free time! Although I do play a little golf and fish when the opportunity arrises.

And what is it that you most love about Palm Springs?

It’s still a small town and I hope it always will be!

Thanks for chatting with me today, Paul!


About David J Castello

David J Castello is the Editor-in-Chief and Chief Operating Officer for the Castello Cities Internet Network (,,, etc). His debut novel, The Diary of an Immortal (1945-1959) was published in 2016.

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